23. Within the paragraphs 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.7 of the open call (see below) that establish the eligibility of the applicants, are project partners considered here as “applicants” as well, thus having to comply with the same requirements as the lead applicants (project promoters) ? 4.5. Applicant organizations must demonstrate experience in providing services such as daily care, legal, medical and psychosocial services, for a minimum of 3 years prior to the submission date. 4.6. Applicant organizations should have a valid certification as an entity authorized to offer social welfare and care services, or other relevant certifications in accordance with the common ministerial decision. 4.7. Project promoters operating accommodation centres for UAM need to have a valid registration in EKKA’s official registry of UAM centres, or obtain it by the project start date, as stipulated by the relevant legislation. 4.8. For accommodation centres for UAM, applicant organizations should maintain an unaccompanied minor’s registry in EKKA, as stipulated by the relevant common ministerial decision on the ‘National Registry for UAM’.

According to paragraph 4.12 of the open call: “Partners: Projects may be implemented in partnership with project partners. All project partners must share a common goal and actively contribute towards achieving the project objectives, as defined in the proposal. The role and specific obligations undertaken by each partner, must be clearly defined and justified in the project proposal. The following entities are eligible to be project partners: – Any public or private entity, commercial or non-commercial, as well as nongovernmental organizations established as a legal person either in the donor states (donor project partnership) or Greece, beneficiary states or a country outside the European Economic Area that has a common border with Greece or any international organization or body or agency thereof. – Project partnerships shall be established through partnership agreements between the project promoter and each of the partners. At the stage of the submission of the application, a Letter of Intent for the partnership will suffice”.


The criteria of par. 4.5., 4.6 and 4.7 of the open call establish the criteria for the eligibility of those applicants that will be the Project Promoters of the Contract. Any project partner who may cooperate with the Project Promoters are not considered as applicants and are not obliged to comply with the requirements of 4.5, 4.6. and 4.7, but only with the requirement of 4.12 and in particular “The following entities are eligible to be project partners: – Any public or private entity, commercial or non-commercial, as well as nongovernmental organizations established as a legal person either in the donor states (donor project partnership) or Greece, beneficiary states or a country outside the European Economic Area that has a common border with Greece or any international organization or body or agency thereof. – Project partnerships shall be established through partnership agreements between the project promoter and each of the partners. At the stage of the submission of the application, a Letter of Intent for the partnership will suffice”.