- The activities described in the section 2.6 of the call (and in section “ Expected outputs” of the document “Applicant guidelines”) are indicative. Indeed, the narrative in section 2.6 of the open call specifically refers to the UAMs however, most of these activities are also relevant for the second target group (non-UAM) to be supported under the call with a priority given to (a) pregnant women and (b) single-parent families with children. To that end, applicants proposing an open accommodation centre for “other vulnerable groups” should suggest the activities that serve the scope of the project.
As regards the second part of your first question the answer negative. The focus of the projects is to provide a holistic support to the UAMs and other vulnerable people residing to the open accommodation centers. Nevertheless, if your intention is to use common space/premises for the provision of “other services” of two or more different projects (e.g. learning space), then a solid M&E methodology should be described in the proposal to demonstrate how the unique beneficiaries are estimated and reported for this project, how will you ensure that duplication of beneficiaries reporting across the projects is avoided and that the project budget (including staff costs) is primarily used for the needs of the project beneficiaries.
- An updated version of Budget Table Template has been uploaded to the website, where all formulas are functional. Please note that this is a Template and all data should be registered to the submission platform. Following your registration to the platform and your data input all calculations are also made automatically.
- As indicated in the output description, “Close interaction and cooperation between non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and relevant public entities is established”, it refers to collaborations with public entities and not with other NGOs. That means that funded projects should plan activities and actions to establish an official collaboration with public entities such as social services, hospitals, education institutions (e.g. vocational training centers) and other. Cooperation at higher level, such as advocacy and/or policy design and formulation can be also included in the proposals (e.g. thematic working groups, consultations and other activities to enhance the advisory role and impact of the civil society organization to the state at national or local level). Such collaborations could be established through the following ways a) project partnership with a public entity (co-applicant in the proposal) b) signature of a memorandum of understanding between the Project Promoter and the public entity for the implementation of common activities and actions c) informal cooperation adequately documented through the standard project reporting process.