Please find below the translation in Greek for the documents requested in the Call text:
- Valid tax statement and social insurance statement: φορολογική και ασφαλιστική ενημερότητα εν ισχύ
- Tax declarations; Balance sheets of the last two years: Φορολογική δήλωση (Εκκαθαριστικό) / Ισολογισμοί των δύο τελευταίων ετών
Although tax clearance certificate is mentioned in the question it is not mentioned in the text of the Call for proposals.
The above documentation is required for any NGO based in Greece that is involved in the initiative, while for entities based outside of Greece, their corresponding Governance Documents (Statutes and Representatives) must be submitted; More specifically from the above list what is applicable in their country of registration.
All submitted applications will be reviewed by the Fund Operator for compliance with the administrative and eligibility criteria. In case where one or more documents are missing, the applicant must submit a signed solemn declaration, mentioning any missing documents and the justification for not submitting them. The Fund Operator shall decide whether the justification is adequate and respond to the applicant with a new deadline to submit missing documents, within 5 working days after the initial online submission. The applicants will have five (5) working days to submit any missing documents following a relevant request by the Fund Operator.