Lead Partner: Allileggie SolidarityNow
Co-Partner: The European Wergeland Centre
The proposed initiative, entitled “Classrooms against Bullying – CAB”, is a collaboration between NGO SolidarityNow (SN) and the Norwegian resource center European Wergeland Centre (EWC), aiming to cement a bilateral partnership for the promotion of safe and inclusive schools in Greece. The exchange of knowledge and good practices is at the core of this project, aiming to prevent discrimination, bullying and violence in schools, while enabling the inclusion of all children in the education system. EWC’s expertise on promoting a citizen’s democratic capacity through education also includes the production of materials especially adapted for the Greek context through the Schools for All project; SN has long-standing experience in providing direct education to vulnerable children across Greece, as well as in capacity building for educators.
The project implementation will span 12 months, between July 2023-June 2024, and aims to develop an approach to prevent bullying and violence in Greek schools, and promote the integration of all children, regardless of their background and vulnerability. The approach will be developed through the exchange of practical experiences, facilitated by a study visit to Oslo, and the adaptation of already existing materials and international approaches, capitalizing especially on the resources developed by EWC over 15 years on the holistic school approach and development of democratic competences. They will be distilled into a singular publication, widely disseminated to the Greek school community, and accompanied by a relevant training delivered in Athens twice (in vivo) to 30 Greek members of the public school system, including teachers, school administrators, school social workers and psychologists, regional educational advisors, and refugee education coordinators. Beyond the immediate goals of this collaboration, the project aims to build a strong bilateral partnership for further targeted work on inclusive education.