Fund Operated by:


Application to report about the corruptive violation

The EEA and Norway Grants and the Fund Operator (SOL CROWE & HR360) of the EEA and Norway Grants in Greece for the Programmes “Local Development and Poverty Reduction” & “Asylum and Migration”, have a no-tolerance policy on corruption and mismanagement.

They follow a policy of good governance, and their implementation is founded on the principles of openness, transparency and accountability.


The Fund Operator has established a complaints mechanism through which you can report any suspicions about mismanagement of funds, conflict of interest or corruption, in relation to the implementation of the EEA and Norway Grants Programmes “Local Development and Poverty Reduction” & “Asylum and Migration”, in Greece.


Your report will be treated with strict confidentiality. According to the Fund Operator’ Complaints Policy, disclosure of information concerning the identity of the complainant is forbidden, unless the complainant has provided his consent. You can also submit your complaint anonymously.


To submit your complaint, please use the standard complaint electronic form, which will help us to understand the issue. Please justify your complaint with as much information and documentation as possible.

Complaints to the FO go through the following process:

  1. The FO will confirm to you that it has received your complaint within 1 working day.
  2. The Complaints Committee will assess your complaint and will inform you (in writing) of its decisions within 10 working days.
  3. If the issue that you raise is especially complicated, or if the Complaints Committee needs to ask you or others for more information or details, it may take longer than 10 working days to reach a decision. You will be duly informed should the assessment require more than 10 working days.
Complainant's Contact Information

Complaints about irregularities may also be submitted to any of the agencies (in person or in text by post or e-mail):

FO’ Risk and Compliance Officer “Local Development and Poverty Reduction” & “Asylum and Migration"
Postal address: 25-29 Karneadou str. 106 75 Athens, Greece Email: risk&

Financial Mechanism Office – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway`s secretariat for the EEA and Norway Grants
Postal address: Financial Mechanism Office Rue Joseph II, 12-16 1000 Brussels E-mail:

For more information on reporting fraud and irregularities concerning EEA Grants to any other agencies, please visit:

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