Voluntary, in-kind contribution has to be directly related to the project. It is up to the applicant organization to decide what relevant voluntary work entails.
Read MoreVoluntary, in-kind contribution has to be directly related to the project. It is up to the applicant organization to decide what relevant voluntary work entails.
Read MoreNo, a paid member of staff can’t be a volunteer as well.
Read MoreWith regards to the audited accounts of the last two years, as long as the organization is audited by chartered accountants, submitted the most recently completed audited accounts suffices.
Read MoreYes, supporting documents have to be submitted both by the lead applicant as well as project partners.
Read MoreThere are no particular guidelines for the type of CV submitted.
Read MoreNo, there is no limit to the number of project partners for each proposal.
Read MoreMembers of the BoD can participate as paid staff in the project, as long as there is no such exclusion specified in the statute of the applicant organization, as long as their participation as paid staff justifiably contributes to the project implementation, and especially if they have been in the payroll of the applicant organization […]Read More
Yes, proposals can be submitted for either of the two target demographics, or both combined. In case of both demographics, proposals should clearly demonstrate spatial separation of the accommodation structure of each demographic.
Read MoreYes, spaces count in the character count.
Read MoreYes, the application can only be submitted in English.
Read MoreEEA Grants programming systematically includes actions for the benefit of social groups at risk of social exclusion, including Roma. Indeed, the programme “Asylum & Migration” targets asylum seekers, however, projects funded by the programme “Local Development & Poverty Reduction”, such as the “Athens Solidarity Centre” implemented by Solidarity Now, are designed to serve every vulnerable […]Read More
The overall design of EEA Grants in Greece includes the support of Roma as a social group. However, as regards the published call for “Open accommodation centres for vulnerable asylum seekers in Greece” under the EEA Grants program “Asylum and Migration” the primary target group is vulnerable asylum seekers. We encourage you to review the […]Read More
The primary target group is the unaccompanied minors, asylum seekers, aged below 18. The target of 75 refers to the total number of places in the centres. The minimum duration of each project is one (1) year and all projects must have been completed by 31/12/2023.
Read MoreThere is no restriction regarding the minimum geographical distance between two centres and there is no restriction on the number of positions that should be provided by centre. Although there are some guidelines from EKKA and AMIF, the open call intentionally does not include such a restriction so that the candidates can develop their ideal […]Read More
According to the section 4 “Eligible applicants” of the call, the candidate Project Promoters must be registered in Greece and fall within the following definition: “A non-profit organization established as a legal entity, having a non-commercial purpose and being independent of local, regional and central government, public entities, political parties and commercial organizations”. For the […]Read More
Vulnerable recognized refuges are not excluded but the priority is vulnerable asylum seekers.
Read MorePlease review section 8 of the Annex “Applicants guidelines” of the call.
Read MoreAt the present there is no such functionality. The online platform is a tool for proposal submission during the open call period and reporting during the project implementation period. However, if an organization is seeking for partnership, this can be published through the programme’s website.
Read MoreAccording to the call text, “long-term accommodation solutions” are to be funded, namely, shelters and supported independent living (apartments). Hotels, safe zones in camps and accommodation provided in Reception and Identification Centres are considered emergency or temporary accommodation solutions and thus are not to be funded under the Open Call (also see Law 4554/2018 article […]Read More
In the context of the Open Call, “vulnerable minor aiming to apply for asylum” refers to unaccompanied minors (UAMs) and not to accompanied refugee children. In addition, please note, that the placements in the centres funded through EEA Grants shall be facilitated through the established official referral pathways for the unaccompanied minors with the referrals […]Read More
The services mentioned in paragraph 2.6 are to be offered inside the open accommodation centres but can be also offered in other premises outside the accommodation centres through established partnerships foreseen in each project proposal. In addition, please note that the Lead applicant should meet all the eligibility criteria mentioned in section 4 of the […]Read More
According to paragraph 4.12 of the open call: “Partners: Projects may be implemented in partnership with project partners. All project partners must share a common goal and actively contribute towards achieving the project objectives, as defined in the proposal. The role and specific obligations undertaken by each partner, must be clearly defined and justified in […]Read More
During the eligibility assessment of the proposal, the FO will review the submitted documentation to ensure the relation between the INGΟ and Greek NGO. In particular, FO will assess if the Greek NGO has undertaken INGO’s activities, maintains a relation with the INGO (mother-daughter company, etc.), and has cumulative experience gained by its current and […]Read More
Indeed, the Programme Local Development and Poverty Reduction includes only pre-defined projects as presented in the programme’s website. However, under the same programme, an open call under “bilateral cooperation” is going to be published in early 2020. In case your organisation meets the eligibility criteria specified in the call, you are welcome to apply.
Read MoreBased on par. 4.12 “Projects may be implemented in partnership with project partners. All project partners must share a common goal and actively contribute towards achieving the project objective(s), as defined in the proposal. The role and specific obligations undertaken by each partner, must be clearly defined and justified in the project proposal”. Given the […]Read More
The bidders need to conduct a market research at the stage of proposal submission for the identification of the building that will be used for the needs of the project. Should the project be selected, during the contracting phase a valid executed contract must be provided.
Read MoreThere is no other geographical restriction apart from those explicitly referred in the Open Call text: “2.2: The geographical scope for the projects is the whole territory of Greece, provided that the following elements outlined in 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 below, are taken into consideration for the establishment of the accommodation centres”. 2.3 The proposed projects […]Read More
The targets included in the results framework of the open call will be monitored cumulatively for all the projects implemented. Precisely, up to 2250 UAMs and 750 non-unaccompanied asylum beneficiaries is expected to benefit from all projects during the entire projects’ implementation period. Candidate Project Promoters based on these targets should propose the optimum scenario […]Read More
In principle, the same flexibility exists under this open call. Nevertheless, the Project Promoter will need to balance this condition with the targets set for the project implementation.
Read MoreYes, the lead partner needs to meet all the eligibility criteria set in section 4 eligible applicants of the call.
Read MoreThe eligibility of the expenses starts at the day of the contract signature. Indeed, the priority is to have the shelters operational as soon as possible.
Read MoreThe definition of vulnerable groups that can benefit from the projects is that included in Article 21 of Directive 2013/33/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 laying down standards for the reception of applicants for international protection (recast). From these groups, the call will give a priority to (a) […]Read More
Yes, as indicated in the call text “Project promoters operating accommodation centers for UAM need to have a valid registration in EKKA’s official registry of UAM centers, or obtain it by the project start date, as stipulated by the relevant legislation”. These conditions will be checked before the contract signature.
Read MoreThree are the main aspects of sustainability a) The overall strategy and fundraising efforts, including diversification of existing and future funds. b) The existing financial capacity c) An ability to absorb funds, document their ability to cover their core functions, and its relationship and cooperation with other actors.
Read MoreThis is the initial estimation based on the fact that all projects will have a duration at least 12 months and a budget at least 1 million euros. However, based on the proposals that will be submitted and the ranking of the evaluators the final number of project might be different from what was initially […]Read More
Yes, an applicant can propose the funding of more than one shelters in two different locations in Greece as long as the requirements described in in section 4 “eligible applicants of the call, are met.
Read MoreFrom the 10% of the own-contribution, half (50%) of it should be provided in the form of voluntary work and the other half (50%) of financial contribution by the resources of the Project Promoter. This later own contribution cannot be in kind (e.g. rentals, consumables etc.). It should be in “cash” and applicable by budget […]Read More
Yes, Project Promoters can contribute by 5% in the staff costs by their own financial resources. As this might create risks for double funding, timesheets should be used as a documentation of how the working time is distributed among different financial resources, donors etc.
Read MoreThe Project Promoter can use other existing premises operated by the Project Promoter or other project partner for the provision of the “other services” (non-accommodation). In such cases, a justification of why this is the optimum solution for the UAMs should be included in the proposal. In addition, applicants should clearly describe in their budgets […]Read More
Legal documents can be submitted in Greek.
Read MoreThe supporting documents must be attached for each partner. For foreign partners, relevant adjustments of the required documentation will be made if necessary. In all cases, documents of foreign partners must be submitted in in Greek or English. A Letter of Intent (LOI) on the partnership, signed by the project partners, should be submitted with […]Read More
According to the open call, paragraph 4.2, “Eligible applicants may submit only one proposal as the lead applicant and participate in one proposal as a partner – a total of two proposals with the same applicant either as leader or as a partner can be submitted” and paragraph 4.11 “…no more applications have been submitted […]Read More
According to the call text, section 4, paragraph 4.7 “For accommodation centres for UAM, applicant organizations should maintain an unaccompanied minor’s registry in EKKA, as stipulated by the relevant common ministerial decision on the ‘National Registry for UAM”. For the registration in EKKA’s Registry for the UAMs’ Accommodation Shelters, EKKE requests a specific list of […]Read More
EEA Grants conditions indicate that an entity in order to be considered an NGO has to comply with the following: “A “non-governmental organisation” (NGO) is eligible for support within the Programme if it meets the following definition: it is a non-profit, voluntary organisation established as a legal entity, having a non-commercial purpose, independent of local, […]Read More
Please see the Question and Answer point 21.
Read MoreAs regards the overall targets presented in the open call text, please review the question and answer 29 of the FAQ section which clarifies that the targets are set at call level (cumulatively for all funded projects) and not for each project separately. To that end, the candidate project promoters shall propose their optimum scenario […]Read More
According to provision 4.1. of the open call, “eligible applicants are non-governmental organizations (NGOs) registered in Greece”. During the eligibility assessment of the proposal, the FO will review the submitted documentation to ensure the relation between the two organizations (international and Greek). In particular, FO will assess if the Greek organization that has undertaken the activities […]Read More
The activities described in the section 2.6 of the call (and in section “ Expected outputs” of the document “Applicant guidelines”) are indicative. Indeed, the narrative in section 2.6 of the open call specifically refers to the UAMs however, most of these activities are also relevant for the second target group (non-UAM) to be supported […]Read More
In order to have each of the two required registrations (i.e. shelter registered in EKKA registry, certified organization providing welfare services) you need to comply with the rules set by the legislation: ministerial decision ΦΕΚ 2399/B-19-6/2019, law ν.4455/2017 article 7 and ν. 2646/1998 article 3, par 2. Please conduct the assigned authorities to confirm your […]Read More
As indicated in the paragraph 1.2.2 of the open call “The total amount available for the call is €7.632.000. Indicatively 3-6 projects will be selected, with the total grant for each project in the range between minimum €1.000.000 and maximum €3.000.000. The grant amount excludes the project co-financing”. To that end, yes, 3 million euro […]Read More
According to provision 4.1. of the open call, “eligible applicants are non-governmental organizations (NGOs) registered in Greece”. Furthermore, according to the provision 4.5 of the open call “Applicant organizations must demonstrate past experience in providing services such as daily care, legal, medical and psychosocial services, for a minimum of 3 years prior to the submission […]Read More
In principle, cash assistance is not an eligible expenditure under this call. The project should provide case management activities to support the beneficiaries accessing the existing protection system including cash assistance if eligible. Τhe public procurement procedure describes the rules and principles that should govern the purchase of all goods or services acquired through the […]Read More
Organizations providing support services only to non-UAM target groups do not need to register under EKKA’s Registry, but only under the Registry of L. 4455/2017 and provide a certification thereof. They shall also provide an operational license issued by the competent Authority (Prefecture, Municipality, etc.) for the operation of the center.
Read MorePlease find below the equivalent documentation in Greek: tax declaration: έντυπο Ε3 (Κατάσταση οικονομικών δραστηριοτήτων ) & έντυπο Ν ( δήλωση φορολογίας εισοδήματος νομικών προσώπων) insurance statement: ασφαλιστική ενημερότητα tax clearance certificate: Βεβαίωση φορολογικής ενημερότητας tax statement:ετήσια φορολογική δήλωση tax declaration : as NGOs do not have “εκκαθαριστικό” the documents requested for NGOs are […]Read More
We refer to the legislation in force concerning the certification of your company/organism as an entity authorized to offer social welfare and care services. Law 4455/2017, as well as any other relevant law, ministerial decision, ministerial circular, etc that may be applicable, shall be taken into account.
Read MoreYes, an organization can submit an application as long as it meets eligibility criteria, with or without partner. Partnership is not a must but an option.
Read MoreProject Management Costs can be allocated (with the respective employment rate) and linked to each relevant activity of the project or be bundled as an output “Project Management” with the respective activities and the appropriate budget. The management costs should be meaningful and in proportion to the implementation of the project.
Read MoreAn organization’s registration with the National Register of Non-Profit Private Sector Entities does not suffice to be compliant with point 4.6 of the open call. The applicants shall also comply with the requirements of art. 5 of L. 4455/2017, i.e. applicants shall have been granted and shall have a valid license/certification to offer social welfare […]Read More
Yes we refer to art. 7 par. 5 of Law 4455/207
Read MoreIn principle, combined modalities are allowed as long as every (child) protection aspect is adequately considered in the project methodology. During the evaluation of proposals it will be assessed the extent to which the proposed modality ensures protection for both target groups.
Read MoreIn principle, combined modalities are allowed as long as every (child) protection aspect is addressed in the methodology. In such cases, and given the certainty of the projects duration, the applicant should strongly justify why this modality is optimum and how will ensure a feasible and cost efficient project high impact for the targeted populations. […]Read More
Eligibility of expenditures can start at the date of contract signature. Applicants can submit a draft time-plan that will be revised or confirmed at the agreement stage.
Read MoreThank you for the notification. This should be fixed now.
Read MoreAn updated version of Budget Table Template has been uploaded to the website. Following your data entry to the submission platform all calculations are made automatically. An updated version of Budget Table Template has been uploaded to the website. You can choose any of these four methods for the calculation of indirect costs. Supportive documents […]Read More
As indicated in the Open Call, paragraph 6.6 ”The project promoter is required to provide project co-financing of minimum 10% and maximum 30% of the eligible expenditures. Co-financing shall be in the form of cash, including electronic transfers, or in-kind contribution in the form of voluntary work. The in-kind contribution may constitute up to 50% […]Read More
Donations cannot be considered as own contribution to the project. We kindly suggest you to review the specifications provided in the annex to the call Eligibility of Expenditures UPDATED 10/12/2019 as well as the answers to the questions 1, 38, 39 and 66 published in the FAQ section in the programme website.
Read MoreThe EEA and Norway Grants are financial mechanisms financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The aim of the Grants is twofold – to reduce social and economic disparities in Europe and to strengthen the bilateral relations between the three donor countries and the 15 European countries which receive the funding. The EEA and Norway Grants operate in […]Read More
The foundation of the EEA and Norway Grants lies in the European Economic Area (EEA) agreement. The EEA Agreement brings Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and the EU together in a single market – often referred to as the Internal market. There is a need to reduce economic and social disparities between the regions in the EEA […]Read More
The beneficiary countries are Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece (EEA Grants only), Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal (EEA Grants only), Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Read MoreThrough the EEA and Norway Grants, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway aim at contributing to, among other things, growth and jobs, tackle climate change and energy dependency, and reduce poverty and social exclusion. Beneficiaries are local, regional and national authorities, educational and research institutions, students, teachers and researchers, non-governmental organizations, small- and medium-sized enterprises and social […]Read More
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